Industry First Quadrant Analytics for Top-Level Domain Brand Awareness

The “Four Quadrant” Matrix is used by consultants, executives and strategy teams and project managers to solve problems such as SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and is one of the most valuable and widely used tools for decision making.
For the first time BRS Media, a leading-edge firm that provides data-driven content strategy, unparalleled digital branding expertise, and world-class storytelling to the Top-Level Domain Marketplace, has released the Industry’s first Brand Awareness Analytics for consumer recognition of TLDs.
The Quadrant Brand Analytics are based on value of factors, including but not limited to; yield per domain name, price point, popularity of sites, type of usage, and TLD recognition. Each of the four sections has a specific combination of negative and positive values for x and y. The coordinate axes divide the plane into four quadrants, labelled first, second, third and fourth as shown.
This TLD Industry Quadrant Brand Analytics reflect the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of consumer awareness and brand development across the Top-Level Domain sector. Our focus is to help registry operators to better understand the relationships between building consumer awareness and brand strategy (Yield/Visibility), to ensure that a TLDs culture cuts through and translates into best-in-class online experience for the audience and clients.
Focus on 1st Quadrant:

The 1st Quadrant focuses on Weaknesses and Opportunities of the Lower Yield, Low Visibility TLDs in the Sub-Dollar Commodity based sector. Better longer term opportunities could be achieved with building consumer awareness and brand recognition, in an attempt to achieve better Yield and Visibility, that will increase the Top-Level Domains Brand Currency valuation.
BRS Media will be in attendance at the ICANN meeting in Montreal, Canada. New gTLD, ccTLD or Legacy TLD Registry Operators looking to position Top-Level Domains to cut through and translate into outstanding online experience for the audience, contact George Bundy or schedule a call via